(An Undertaking of Bhaktapur Municipality)
Affiliated to Purbanchal University, Estd. 2001
(Dedicated To Country & People)
Courses: Department of Computer Engineering
SN COURSE CODE Title CR (Credit Hour)
1 BEG105SH Communicative English 3
2 BEG170CO Elements & Devices of Computing Technology 3
3 BEG175CO Computer Programming 4
4 BEG146ME Engineering Drawing 2
5 BEG101SH Engineering Mathematics-I 3
6 BEG103SH Physics 3
7 BEG148ME Workshop Technology 2
SN COURSE CODE Title CR (Credit Hour)
1 BEG102SH Engineering Mathematics-II 3
2 BEG104SH Chemistry 3
3 BEG158CI Applied Mechanics 3
4 BEG123EL Electrical Engineering 3
5 BEG176CO Object Oriented Programming 3
6 BEG171CO Digital Logic 3
SN COURSE CODE Title CR (Credit Hour)
1 BEG201SH Mathematics-III 3
2 BEG230EC Electronics Devices & Circuits 3
3 BEG270CO Information System Design 3
4 BEG271CO Computer Organization & Design 3
5 BEG273CO Data Structure & Algorithm 3
6 BEG278CO Project-I 2
SN COURSE CODE Title CR (Credit Hour)
1 BEG207SH Applied Sociology 2
2 BEG231EC Microprocessor 3
3 BEG232EC Communication Systems 3
4 BEG274CO Discrete Structure 3
5 BEG275CO Free & Open Source Programming 3
6 BEG276CO Database Management System 3
SN COURSE CODE Title CR (Credit Hour)
1 BEG371CO Algorithim Analysis and Design 3
2 BEG372CO Computer Graphics 4
3 BEG370CO Numerical Method 4
4 BEG373CO Operating System 3
5 BEG374CO Project 2
6 BEG396MS Research Methodology 2
SN COURSE CODE Title CR (Credit Hour)
1 BEG375CO Computer Network 4
2 BEG395MS Engineering Economics 3
3 BEG376CO Multimedia Computing and Technology 3
4 BEG203SH Probability and Statistics 3
5 BEG391MS Project and Organization Management 2
6 BEG377CO Theory of Computation 3
SN COURSE CODE Title CR (Credit Hour)
1 BEG490MS Enterpreneurship 3
2 BEG471CO Artificial Intelligence 3
3 BEG472CO Software Engineering 3
4 BEG473CO Simulation & Modelling 3
5 BEG474CO Project 2
6 BEG475IP Elective-I: Image Processing and Pattern Recognization 3
7 BEG475MC Elective-I: Mobile Computing 3
8 BEG475 Elective-I: 3
SN COURSE CODE Title CR (Credit Hour)
1 BEG478CO Advanced Computer Architecture 3
2 BEG477CO Cryptography 3
3 BEG476CO Data Mining & Data Warehousing 3
4 BEG459CI Engineering Professional Practice 2
5 BEG479CO Project-IV 6
6 BEG475VB Elective-II: VB.Net, C# 3
7 BEG475GI Elective-II: Geographical Information System 3


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